J Walls
Thanks to AMG Properties we are now settling in our new home ????... Read more
25th Sep 2019 (5 years ago)
The woman who runs this business is not to be trusted...she owes my partner over £600 for painting and decorating a flat...she told me she had paid for cleaners but when I went out to view it, it was filfthy..thinking this woman was my friend I spent 7 hours cleaning, I'm recovering from stage three breast cancer, this was a massive job as the flat was in terrible disrepair ...I didn't want paid, however she refused
to pay my partner John who also thought she was his friend..hence the price he quoted was next to nothing for the amount of work he did for her...she has no conscience and is basically a con artist...do not go near her, plenty of other estate agents in the vicinity who are honest.... Read more
16th Oct 2018 (6 years ago)