K hanmore
Nearly killed my family through negligence. And even after was unapologetic and would have left me and my one year old daughter with no heating hot water or cooking facilities for months.... Read more
11th Feb 2017 (7 years ago)
C Property

In response of Melanie Jumeau's review:
Miss Melanie Suzanne Jumeau employment was terminated from Colchard Property in line with the Employment control she signed on the 4th April 2016 based on Paragraphs 16 and 17 stating the duties and obligations concerning confidential Information of the employee to her employer. Paragraph 16 of 3 stated that the confidential information of the company will also include any information that has been disclosed to a third party by the employee. Also stated, was the confidential Information will include all data and information relating to the business and the management of the Employer, including but not limited to, proprietary and trade secret technology. In addition the confidential information include any information that has been disclosed by a third party to the employer and is governed by a non-disclosure agreement entered into between that third party and the employer.
During this period Miss Jumeau was still under probation period and it was in the best interest of the company to let go at this time. However, when this happen Miss Jumeau had the opportunity to take the appropriate steps if she feels her termination was not right but she took to the social media to spread a rumour about her previous employer. Colchard Property was only helping the government to provide Jobs for the youth through this programme by empowering them, we paid them not the government because we believe they are our hope for the future. In a letter dated and signed on the 4th of May 2016 by Miss Jumeau which we have on record, stating that she apologised for any trouble she might have caused. Colchard Property have acted in the best interest to terminate her employment contract.... Read more
27th Oct 2016 (8 years ago)
M Jumeau
I completely agree with the comment below. I worked for this man for 3/4 months. He is nothing but a con man and is greedy for any money he can get. He is in no way legit.
Every employee he has ever had ends up walking away from the "business" simply because at some point everyone knows what kind of lying ugly hearted scam artist this man he really is.
He makes up charging fees for the tenants so he would get all the money without the landlords knowing.
His so called "lawyer" doesn't have a clue what he is talking about. They are both out to take people's money when and if they can.
22nd Aug 2016 (8 years ago)
K Raleigh

Where do I start?
1) I wouldn't call colchards property an estate agent. This is one pathetic Nigerian old man (Collins Adepkoju) running a very questionable business dressed up as an estate agent.
2) Collected rents from our properties and refused to remit the rents. Claimed the tenants had not paid.
3) Cooked up lies and turned our tenants against us - to stop us from finding out that he had being paid. We had to turn to mini detectives to gain proof that he had collected months of rent without passing any money onto us.
4) He only agreed that the rents had been paid to him when confronted with proof (tenants bank statement) by us and leaders from his church.
5) The sad thing is that he goes to churches (with another pathetic older lady who I've refused to name) to find vulnerable clients that he can scam.
6) He claims to be registered with THE UKALA but was not (when he was managing our properties and at the time of writing this review).
7) Charged my tenants 'questionable' fees for no reason.
8) Charged us questionable fees that even he cannot justify.
So Manny more but I'll stop there.
If you want to use colchards property, then go ahead but be careful. This man deserves a stinct in Watchdog!... Read more
25th May 2016 (8 years ago)