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William H Brown - Oadby

Closes at 7:00pm
42 The Parade, Oadby, LE2 5BF
With our local market knowledge, insights and with over 120 offices, we have been helping people sell their homes since 1890.

Opening hours

  • Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Tuesday 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Wednesday 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Thursday 9:00am - 7:00pm
  • Friday 9:00am - 6:00pm
  • Saturday 9:00am - 4:00pm
  • Sunday Closed
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William H Brown - Oadby Reviews (47)

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  1. 72% 5/5 Stars
  2. 2% 4/5 Stars
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  4. 0% 2/5 Stars
  5. 26% 1/5 Stars

L Kemp

1/5 Stars
I'm afraid I had a horrendous experience with this company. I am surprised they are still trading. I put in an offer on a property they were selling. Some time later I asked them to re negotiate with vendor for a lower price as my own buyer had offered me £20,000 below my asking price. Approx 1 week later Browns worker phoned me e to say lower offer had been accepted. I was surprised and asked again for clarification as this was a substantial drop in price. I then asked if vendor had been ok with this as I fully expected at very least to be asked to meet in the middle. The worker then said vendor had not been happy but had agreed! I was a little uncomfortable with response but delighted that I could now afford the move with a bit of wriggle room to meet unforseen expenses. I heard no more from browns either by phone, e mail or letter. The first I knew that I had paid £15,000 more for my property than the figure we had agreed by phone was some weeks later on receipt of completion paperwork the day I moved in! I confronted Browns but their response has been unbelievable. Complete denial of the negotiation phone contacts we had and referring me to memo of sale they said they had sent me. In a later e mail communication I was informed that in fact I had been handed this letter in person at their offices. I knew that was untrue as I never visited their office after the initial visit to confirm my identity when initial offer was made. Unfortunately trading standards don't want to know and referred me back to citizens advice. Citizens advice suggested I take it up with solicitor . Solicitor said they knew nothing about a second reduced offer. I am now putting in an official complaint which has to start by going through - yes you guessed it wm h brown! Wish me ????... Read more
7th Nov 2023 (7 mo. ago)

M Moosa

5/5 Stars
Katelyn was amazing in showing us houses. She was very accommodating and she never missed a viewing appointment. However W.H brown have let us down before when we have turned up to viewings and they haven't, so Katelyn has changed our view!... Read more
21st Sep 2023 (8 mo. ago)


5/5 Stars
At the beginning, I didn’t have a great experience with WHB when they were dealing with my property that I wanted to sell. It really caused stress and anxiety. However, my property ended up getting managed by someone else within the branch. Chloe Watson; who went above and beyond for me. I am grateful for all her help and guidance and she definitely is the reason why my experience with WHB changed for the better. I couldn’t recommend her enough. She was efficient, professional and had my best interests at heart. It was easy to communicate my concerns and worries with her as I knew I would get a quick response. Thank you again, Chloe! My family and I are really grateful.... Read more
29th Aug 2023 (9 mo. ago)

M Ahmed

5/5 Stars
We are very pleased with the service we have received from William H Brown. Especially Chloe and Shewley for their excellent support and rapid service. Would highly recommend using their service ????... Read more
25th Aug 2023 (9 mo. ago)

M Alli

5/5 Stars
We dealt with Chloe French, she handled our move smoothly and efficiently. She was very professional and communicative, overall very happy with the service. Would highly recommend :)... Read more
19th Jul 2023 (10 mo. ago)


5/5 Stars
Katelyn showed me around a property recently, she was on time and gave brilliant clear information about the property... Read more
17th Jul 2023 (10 mo. ago)

G Williams

1/5 Stars
Avoid at all Costs totally unprofessional I don’t write many reviews so it is with regret after today’s shocking experience I felt I must make all future property sellers aware. At 9.16am this morning I received a voicemail message from the lady manager of the William H Brown Oadby office advising that she would not be attending her prearranged appointment with us to do a valuation at 11.00am due to having to attend training. Surely WHB staff members are given notice in advance of training courses so why book an appointment to view our property. We are genuine and both my wife and myself had arranged our working day around this appointment and had spent a lot of time and effort to prepare our house and gardens for her visit so we could give the best impression for marketing our property. When I rang the manageress to see what was going on, she felt we should be understandable and grateful that she had rearranged our appointment to a week later when we wanted to put our house on the market ASAP. To be honest I was absolutely livid with her attitude and I told her we would be leaving a review to this effect and her response was it would not be fair but sorry you can’t treat your customers with such little respect. In hindsight this as definitely done us a favour so we have now gone with an agent that wants our business and we feel valued. The only thing I can agree with is that she definitely needs training on customer care skills, this is the real world but obviously this company needs to train the staff without affecting the everyday running of their business. I can now see why this branch of WHB as such a low rating of 3.8 and some very poor reviews compared with other estate agents in both Oadby & Wigston so give this company a miss and try better rated alternatives who will hopefully appreciate your custom.... Read more
16th Jun 2023 (11 mo. ago)

C Heggs

1/5 Stars
I wouldn’t even give them 1, horrendous on both occasions I’ve used them. People leaving the company constantly and no one picking up each others work, leaving the emails unanswered and having to chase and still getting no response.... Read more
9th May 2023 (1 year ago)

M platts

5/5 Stars
Great bunch of people Indya is fantastic such a huge help! Would definitely recommend on my experience.... Read more
30th Dec 2022 (1 year ago)


1/5 Stars
Corrupt / Bribery: Made an offer well above asking and all cash, the agent said the selling has offers 30k more and is considering them. I find out later from Land Registry that the house sold for the asking price. Lower than my offer. Hence avoid these snakes.... Read more
26th Nov 2022 (1 year ago)

T Hipkiss

5/5 Stars
Very polite staff and always there to help with any situation. Very professional... Read more
23rd Nov 2022 (1 year ago)

S hollands

5/5 Stars
Quality estate agent who can achieve a quick secure sale and charge no commission... Read more
26th Aug 2022 (1 year ago)

M Tabriz

1/5 Stars
we had a viewing booked for Glen Parva on 07 August at 4:15 PM. (We initially had it for 1:15 PM; which got rescheduled by William Brown) I have received a voice message today from Samanta from William H Brown Oadby about us going to the property at 8:45 pm and how truly very very.... (5 times) disappointed she is with me. Before blatantly accusing someone, she should have checked the fact first. We reached their 15 min early at around 4 pm and were waiting in the car for 6-7 min. then we realised there was no car parked in the driveway. so, we thought the previous viewers finished early. So, we knocked on the door and asked the owner that we are slightly early; is he okay to show us the property now? He was happy to do so. And then, Samanta went on to give a lecture on trust and how important is trust. This is appalling unprofessional behaviour from an estate agent. I am a chartered engineer with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. I have no interest in taking a lesson on trust and commitment from anyone else. I know the value of time management and commitment very well. Then I was told; that any future viewings might be affected by this; tell you what; I would think five times before looking at a property advertised by WHB Oadby. Next time you accuse someone in that tone and language, please check your facts first.... Read more
9th Aug 2022 (1 year ago)


1/5 Stars
Called their Leicester branch 4 times offering them business to take over the management of one of my properties. This can be proven too. They returned one call. Subsequent 3 calls were not returned despite saying they would call. Of course I found another agent, but people should be made aware of things like this and the purpose of posting this is solely to reveal how they operate. Good service should be recognised, and so should poor service. One star is fully justified considering the time wasted with this company when I could have dealt with someone else. Estate agents are just glorified sales staff these days. Where is the drive? The interest? Certainly not at this company.... Read more
6th Jun 2022 (2 years ago)


5/5 Stars
The experience I had with William H Brown in Oadby was amazing. After speaking to a few estate agents in the area, It was clear that I was going to sell my house with William H Brown. I personally dealt with Declan, who came to value my house, he was exceptional, honest and upfront which made the choice easy. He put my property on the market and sold it by the following week! I also personally spoke to Arman & Samantha (branch manager) who were great to deal with. I got the sale on my property that I wanted and the buyer got a great home! I am glad I made the right choice selling with William H Brown in Oadby over others in the area. This level of personal service is what every business/estate agents should aspire to. Thank you!... Read more
5th Apr 2022 (2 years ago)

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