Mal McCallion
AI is going to churn out low-grade but bulky stuff. It’s going to fill a void. It’s essentially going to become the fast-food of knowledge appetites and, as such, will appear on every virtual street corner like the proverbial Maccy-D’s when you’re really looking for something with a bit of quality.
It will serve a purpose. It will provide you with the bare bones of what you need - and will change your business significantly as a result.
But what it will not do is replace your quality of service. The in-person ‘content’ that you deliver when you’re asked complex questions by desperate vendors. The spotting of rare talent in an intern that leads to your future, transformative business partner. The instinctive match of buyer to property that data says should never be put together - and the conversational dexterity to be able to convince a sceptic to see past dodgy wallpaper and an ugly annexe.
These are the traits of our industry that make it such a human-centric endeavour. We’re dealing in dreams as much as data - and the former remains very much the preserve of people, not bots.
This isn’t to say that AI will not have a transformative impact on the processes and procedures that you employ today - and this will be an area that I’ll come back to repeatedly in these GAP newsletters in the months and years to come.
But, for now, consider how your quality of service can be enhanced by its contrast with systemised output that AI will deliver. If so many of your competitors will have no option but to default to cheap, processed gloop that is broadly indistinguishable from the next fast-flip outlet around, what are you going to emphasise as your Michelin-starred excellence?
How are you going to ensure that you’re known for human-level consciousness and care? And - most importantly - how are you going to make emphatically sure that people TRUST that you’re delivering on this?
A promise from us: GetAgent+ is a new initiative focused on building and maintaining trust with the quality estate agents that partner with us, something AI can’t do.
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