Choosing the right estate agent can make all the difference. We’ll help you make that decision. Here’s how.
Just enter your postcode and we’ll shortlist the best agents for you by analysing local property listings and Land Registry entries.
We analyse the performance of every single estate agent in England, Wales and Scotland who have listed properties on the major property portals in the past 6 months. Using basic information about your home, we create a shortlist of the top agents for your home and your specific requirements. We look at the number of similar properties the agent has listed around your home, the time it takes for these listings to be sold or removed, and the percentage of original asking price achieved (England & Wales only).
Unfortunately not, but we do our best! We are reliant on the listing data that agents upload to the portals. For instance, some agents list a property multiple times (which isn't allowed by the portals). Whilst we do have processes in place to spot this, they're not always perfect. Additionally, our algorithm that matches a listing to a sold property is not always right, especially when a property was listed by multiple agents. Spot anything wrong? Please let us know ( and we'll fix it ASAP.
Every agent who has listed properties in the past 6 months appears on GetAgent, apart from online agents (like Purplebricks or Yopa). This is because with online agents the homeseller is doing most of the work (such as the viewings, negotiating and sales progression). Therefore how well these online agents perform is largely down to the homeseller.
When a property is sold, the successful estate agent pays GetAgent a small referral fee. This is standard practice within the industry and enables us to offer the service completely free to the homeowner.
Every agent on your shortlist submits a fee quote to sell your property. They compete for your business, so you can save money too!
We guarantee that no personal details will be shared with anyone without your permission. The only time we will share your contact details is once you have confirmed that you are happy to work with a particular agent.
Once you have submitted your details to us, you will normally have all of your quotes within 24 hours.
Invite agents round for a valuation in just a couple of clicks. Instruct your preferred one to sell your home!
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Our friendly team of experts are here to guide you through the process of selling your property.
It takes 2 minutes.
We are a company registered in England & Wales, company number 09428979.
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