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House selling tips
18 January 2022

TA6 Form: The Property Information Form explained

Sam Edwards

Senior Writer & Researcher

A couple sitting on a sofa and working through a document.

Table of contents

  1. 1. What is a TA6 Form?
  2. 2. Why are TA6 Forms important?
  3. 3. What if a seller lied on a Property Information Form?
  4. 4. How do you fill in a TA6 Property Information Form?
  5. 5. What documents do I need for a Property Information Form?
  6. 6. Law Society’s TA6 Form instructions for sellers and buyers
  7. 7. How long does it take to complete a TA6 Form?
  8. 8. Property Information Form - Breakdown
  9. 9. Where to download a TA6 Property Information Form
  10. 10. Summary

When it comes to selling property, there’s a lot of paperwork to get through. While straightforward for the most part, the Law Society’s TA6 Property Information Form can be a confusing obstacle for many homesellers. In this guide, we’ll take a look at the TA6 in closer detail. What is a TA6, why is it important, and what information does it require of homesellers?

What is a TA6 Form?

If you’re selling a house, you need to provide the buyer with information about the property, its lands, and structures. The TA6 Form gives buyers (and their conveyancers) a comprehensive look at your property. A TA6 Property Information Form details everything from neighbourly disputes, to alterations and planning permissions.

What is a Property Information From?

You wouldn't be the first person to think them individual documents, but a property information form is a TA6 Form. They are the same thing and referred to interchangeably.

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Why are TA6 Forms important?

While TA6 Forms aren’t mandatory, conveyancers strongly advise vendors to complete them before selling. A property without one can be a major red flag to potential buyers. There’s a number of reasons why they’re so important:

  1. They provide buyers with the necessary information about a property all in one place.
  2. They indicate a seller’s willingness to place the property transaction under closer scrutiny (For example, knowingly providing inaccurate information in a TA6 Form could result in legal action).

Property Information Forms indicate to potential buyers that the homeseller is:

  • Willing to provide necessary information to progress the home sale
  • Serious about the home sale
  • Not attempting to hide anything

What if a seller lied on a Property Information Form?

As a homeseller, lying by either giving incomplete or incorrect answers on a Property Information Form may allow the buyer to either make a claim for compensation, or refuse to complete the purchase. That means if you don’t know the answer to a question, it’s better to just be honest. Making up a vague answer can put you in danger of having a claim made against you. Remember, your conveyancer is always available for advice, but omissions or delays in completing the TA6 can falter the sale.

How do you fill in a TA6 Property Information Form?

Filling in a TA6 Form may take a while due to the amount of information required. Property Information Forms are divided into 14 sections with several questions in each. Homesellers are expected to fill out the form to the best of their ability, while providing evidence in the form of documents and certificates (where applicable).

Although the TA6 Form is important, it’s worth remembering that you, the homeseller, aren't expected to have expert knowledge on any of the matters discussed - especially, with regards to events that occurred prior to your ownership of the property.

To fill in your Property Information Form:

  1. Prepare all the documents you need for the form before you start
  2. Set aside enough time to fill in the form (it can take up to xxxx)
  3. Fill in each of the 14 sections to the best of your ability
  4. Reach out to your solicitor on anything you’re not sure on

What documents do I need for a Property Information Form?

Sellers are advised to provide everything related to their property, including the following documents:

  1. Title deeds
  2. Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
  3. Proposals for development in the area
  4. Planning permission certificate(s)
  5. Building Regulations approvals
  6. Completion statements
  7. FENSA certificate for windows
  8. Building control sign offs on boilers, extensions and electrical work

Law Society’s TA6 Form instructions for sellers and buyers

After you fill out your initial details on a TA6 Form (Your name, address and postcode), the Law Society dispenses some final instructions to sellers and buyers.

Instructions to homesellers

  • Make sure the answers are prepared by the person who owns the property on the title deeds or Land Registry title.
  • If you don’t know the answer to a question, just say so. Unsure homesellers should consult their conveyancers.
  • If you become aware of any information that would alter the answers you’ve provided, inform your conveyancer immediately. Don’t change any current arrangements (tenants) without consulting your conveyancer first.
  • Don’t give incomplete or inaccurate information, otherwise the buyer may make a claim for compensation or drop out of the sale.
  • Provide your conveyancer with all the correct documents pertaining to the subject of each question.

Instructions to homebuyers

  • If the seller reveals any information (through conversation or in writing) that hasn’t been included in the TA6 Form, tell your conveyancer.
  • Make sure you carry out your own searches, instead of relying on the answers regarding the physical condition of the property.
  • Don’t expect the seller to have expert knowledge of legal or technical matters, especially with regards to matters prior to their ownership of the property.

How long does it take to complete a TA6 Form?

On average, TA6 Forms take half an hour to an hour to complete - but this completely depends on how ready you are to answer the questions. You might not have the correct information to hand for every one of them, so it’s good to prepare beforehand.

Property Information Form - Breakdown

In this breakdown, we provide you with a brief overview of what to expect in each section of the Property Information Form, including the number of questions you’re obligated to answer.

Section 1: Boundaries

Properties are limited by legal boundaries that may appear as a hedge, fence or wall. This section is designed to show buyers the broad extent of your property’s boundaries, and who is responsible for their maintenance.

If you’re unsure on how to answer the questions here, the Gov.UK website has some useful information on locating property boundaries.

No of questions: 6

Section 2: Disputes and complaints

In this section, you are required to explain any past or existing disputes and complaints with neighbours regarding your property. It’s important that buyers have a fair understanding of past and current grievances. It prevents them from being blindsided should issues arise during their ownership.

No of questions: 2

Section 3: Notices and proposals

It’s important that buyers have a clear understanding of any notices or proposals that might affect the property. You may have received letters about any proposals for developments, but you can find out more through your local council authority.

If you want to find out where in the UK has the most planning permission breaches, our research is here to help. Our blog has lots of useful tips for homesellers, including details on whether you should apply for planning permission before selling.

No of questions: 2

Section 4: Alterations, planning and building control

Here, you need to give buyers a history of changes you’ve made to the property. It’s important that all the works described have the relevant consents and approvals, and that these are attached where appropriate. You will also need to mention whether there are any permanent restrictions on developments to your property.

You can find out if your property is a listed building over on the Historic England website. For more information on conservation areas, we have everything you need to know.

No of questions: 8

Section 5: Guarantees and warranties

This section provides buyers with information about the property’s guarantees and warranties. If there are any on the property, you need to provide details, including any claims made in their name.

No of questions: 2

Section 6: Insurance

In this section, you need to provide details of any insurance taken out on the property, including any claims you’ve made. If you haven’t taken out any insurance, you need to explain why.

No of questions: 5

Section 7: Environmental matters

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If your property has experienced any environmental issues, like radon, Japanese knotweed, or flooding, you need to expound upon them in this section. You also need to provide a copy of your Energy Performance Certificate (EPC).

You can check if your house is in a flood-prone area using the Gov.UK flood checker. Otherwise, use our free EPC checker to find out if your property has an up-to-date certificate.

Does my house already have an EPC?

EPCs are valid for 10 years, and you can use the one purchased by the previous owner.
So, you may have an EPC and not know it!

No of questions: 8

Section 8: Rights and informal arrangements

This section provides information about rights and arrangements relating to property access and shared use. Examples of relevant information include leases of less than 7 years, rights to mines and minerals, manorial rights, chancel repair and similar matters.

No of questions: 9

Section 9: Parking

Parking arrangements, whether it’s on-street parking or a driveway, need to be detailed in this section. If your property is in a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) or a local authority parking scheme, relevant details must be provided.

If you’re interested in the effect parking arrangements have on property prices, our research into whether parking adds value may prove useful.

No of questions: 2

Section 10: Other charges

Details of any other charges on your property need to be accounted for. If there are leasehold expenses, like ground rent or service charges, they need to be set out in the TA7 leasehold information form.

Remember, selling a leasehold property is more complicated than selling a freehold, but there’s no reason why you shouldn’t succeed if you follow the process carefully.

No of questions: 1

Section 11: Occupiers

In this section, you need to provide the buyer with details on occupants living at the property who may remain after completion of the sale.

No of questions: 5

Section 12: Services

This section provides a closer look at the services available in your property. Any past maintenance and upkeep to the property’s services need to be outlined.

No of questions: 10

Section 13: Connection to utilities and services

You need to provide the names of providers for each utility and service. You should also state the location of meters where applicable.

No of questions: 1

Section 14: Transaction information

Lastly, this section provides the buyer with the details they’ll need for moving day, like if you have any special requirements, or whether there’s a property chain to be aware of.

No of questions: 4

Please note: The TA6 Form sampled in this guide is the Law Society Property Information Form (4th edition 2020 – second revision). Future TA6 property information forms may vary slightly.

Where to download a TA6 Property Information Form

You can download one for free on the Law Society website in a PDF or word format.


All in all, TA6 Forms are important documents for both buyers and sellers. For buyers, they provide all the information you need on your prospective property. For sellers, they show prospective buyers your trustworthiness, and that you're ready to take the sale to the next level. Using our breakdown of the TA6 Property Information Form, you can make a long job much quicker.

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