Find data on the average house prices in Torpoint, how they’ve changed over the past few months, and a breakdown of the latest market trends by property type.
On average, properties in Torpoint sell for £424,410, and spend 17 weeks on the market. Detached houses currently fetch an average of £242,500, and flats: £220,025. Asking prices have changed on average -2.5% in the past 6 months.
How much is your home worth? Find out with a free online valuation. It’ll provide you with a detailed estimate of your home’s value based on an analysis of property market activity nearby.
All our data comes from the Land Registry, and the UK’s largest online property portals.
Find out how much your property is worth
House Size | Average sold price February 2025 |
1 bed | £254,117 |
2 beds | £313,684 |
3 beds | £333,331 |
4 beds | £494,524 |
5 beds | £902,856 |
Price change
It’s always worth knowing the value of your home. Discover the price of your property with an instant valuation. GetAgent tracks the figures, so you don’t have to.
It’s always worth knowing the value of your home. Discover the price of your property with an instant valuation. GetAgent tracks the figures, so you don’t have to.
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