Over the course of a few weeks I emailed and messaged via Right Move KJT a number of times. 99% of time I gained nil response unless I rung them.
Then I found a Park Home I liked, placed an offer and was accepted. But the response level remained dire. They did all but say a survey on a Park Home was pointless. But, I ignored their guidance and went ahead. THANK GOD.
The survey revealed the vendor had lied, the unit was 1970s not 1980s. He had used UPVC cladding to mask the crumbling walls. A window leaked and had rotted the floor boards. The unit had insufficient central supports underneath and held a colony of bats. The report went on further and concluded this was a substandard unit and not to purchase.
I didn't and advised KJT Coleford of all this. Aside from acknowledgement of my withdrawal, they showed zero interest in the report.
Now they have permitted the vendor to relist the unit, still describe it as 'modernised'.
Their professionalism is appalling and their ethics debatable. The park home social media groups members I belong too are horrified at the saga and its gone viral within the community.
I'd never trust KJT or recommend them.... Read more
20th May 2024 (7 mo. ago)