Do not trust this agent! Firstly they sent some novice called Lesley to value my mother’s home who said it was worth £750,000 and that's what they proceeded to initially market it for, in fact it was worth less than £600,000! All you had to do was look online to see how far off the mark they were but you see they will tell you anything you want to hear to tie you into a contract….
Tom from Signature then came and conned my mother into signing a 16-week contract at a ridiculous sale fee saying he would get it sold by last Christmas but at the end of the 16 weeks (March) we hadn’t even had a single viewing. After a couple of weeks, we realised they were not honest and just didn’t care and were not motivated to sell our home at all. They then threatened my 60-year-old mother with legal action if we choose to work with another agent referring to the contract they conned my mother to sign and then refused to renegotiate fair terms when I got involved to help my mother out the mess Signature had created.
If I could have given 0 stars I would have! Please note the little amount of reviews on here and read into that what you will ….
I strongly suggest you think twice about working with this agent as I’m positive you will regret it, if you want it done properly, honestly & fairly then give Mulberries from Hemel Hempstead a call instead you wont regret it.... Read more
12th Dec 2023 (1 year ago)