I work for the nhs and was visiting a very poorly lady this afternoon, and had parked in the car park behind this ladies house, which I hadn't realised was actually owned by Bob Parry Estate Agents in Llanrwst. There were no signs to say it was a private car park, and not being from this area I just assumed it was for the residents of the area. After my visit with this lady, I returned to the car park to find the entrance/exit had been blocked by a red Mercedes, to which a lady passing told me belonged to one of the estate agents, so I went in to ask to be let out and apologise for not realising it was a private car park. I was met by a very rude, short and overweight man with grey hair, who I'm assuming was in his 70's, and with his righteous attitude, I'm assuming he was a manager or maybe even Bob Parry himself, who told me that it was his car park, was sarcastic and said 'good for you' when I told him I worked for the nhs and was visiting someone very unwell, wanted to know who I was visiting which I obviously couldnt tell him, to which he told me that i was incompetent, and told me he wasn't going to move his car. I explained that I didn't realise it was private as there were no signs, and that I needed to leave to visit another patient, to which he said it wasn't his problem and he wouldn't be moving it. Thankfully another member of staff was present, who kindly moved the car to let me out of the car park.
As I said previously, I had no idea that it was privately owned, otherwise I wouldn't have parked there, and I won't park there again now knowing this, but the attitude from this angry little man was ridiculous, and I wanted to make a complaint and maybe suggest putting a sign somewhere to say that it is privately owned, as if he were to be rude to someone else like that, I worry that they wouldn't show as much self restraint as myself.
Many thanks,
'An incompetent NHS worker'... Read more
11th Mar 2024 (10 mo. ago)