Two hundred and fourteen days. TWO HUNDRED AND FOURTEEN DAYS. Yes it took that long for the idiot solicitors to convey our property between them. With, I'm pleased to say, the 100% help and assistance of the Eric Lloyd team. I've used the company for a decade now (plus others locally I might add) but this team is superb. From a great, honest, amenable front facing team (Edwin & Mike), to the contract specialist (Bill) and the office team (Wendy & Venessa) each one brings their pleasant and professional personality to the party. We literally had the solicitors "from hell" on both sides of this sale. Both bureaucratic and basically incompetent box-tickers. The nightmare scenario. Eric Lloyd went above and beyond with us to drive this sale through to completion. I have no hesitation in saying that without their help we would have miserably failed months ago despite me being an experienced property professional. Please get yourself a great local recommended conveyancer/ solicitor not some faceless corporate legal factory - the latter simply don't care a jot about your transaction. One again a shout out for the skill and expertise of Eric Lloyd & Co. Sincerely a huge thank you. NW... Read more
20th Dec 2024 (7 weeks ago)