Be careful and do your research before signing a contract with Space4Living – an unprofessional, lying, money grabbing company. Everything was wrong with this agency. They ignore your emails, lie about everything they can, and call you a liar too.
The whole agency is difficult to get hold of and seemingly wait until the last minute to do anything. When you call them up, they provide incorrect information, half-truths, and place the blame on other tenants. The estate agent that handled our property, is incompetent and a compulsive liar, to say the least.
They will try their best to keep your deposit. It took nearly 6 weeks after moving out of the property for them to return our deposits – but this wasn’t an easy process. We sent many emails (no response to any of these) and called the office many times, finally receiving our deposits back (2 mins before they ran out of time to legally return them, in line with the deposit protection scheme) after we suggested taking further action against them with the deposit protection scheme.
When we moved into the property, it was a huge health and safety hazard. For 8 weeks they left us with a broken boiler, a broken washer/dryer machine, a cockroach infestation, a slug infestation, severe mould and damp that quickly ruined our belongings, and faulty electricity. A few weeks into our tenancy, the estate agent handling our property stopped replying to our emails (whilst all problems stated were still outstanding and no action had been taken). There were many more problems throughout the year. We had to involve the council who came round for a meeting. The estate agent handling our property lied her way through the whole meeting. We had to contact the council on a few more occasions throughout the year. All we wanted was a habitable property, but that is too much to ask for from Space4Living.
This agency hasn’t got a clue what they are doing. Hassle from start to finish. AVOID at all costs.... Read more
17th Aug 2020 (4 years ago)