Never again. I lacked confidence in them, example in their words 'researching the correct steps to fulfil the sale'. It's a Park Home you don't even need a solicitor! Although I had used them before and dropped out of selling due to health problems they APPROACHED ME this time fully aware of acting for a 70 year old with heart problems and again when the stress and uncertainty caused health issues to flare instead of understanding that they knowingly had gone into the risk charged £1200 with the various bullshit excuses about 'researching correct steps' Errrr... You're an Estate Agents! Park Homes aren't exactly hens teeth around Torbay you should like Connells be well aware of how to sell one and 'hand delivered documents' errr...I offered to come and collect them and was told by the office not to bother as they had someone just round the corner that afternoon who would 'pop them through the letter box'. So in summary a small charge would have shown decency and common sense, £1200 for a risk they touted for is in my opinion the proof of their attitude and why I would most certainly never go near them again.... Read more
29th May 2023 (1 year ago)
As a previous tenant / client of Absolute Lettings, I cannot rate them highly enough, they are extremely efficient. professional and work closely with landlord and tenant to ensure a smooth and pleasant moving experience with valuable assistance whenever needed, alway's happy and quick to respond to any questions that you may need answering.
Moving home can often be a stressful experience however Absolute make it as easy as possible. I can't thank them enough.... Read more
25th Jan 2019 (6 years ago)