In the last 6 months in Tower Hamlets, 1,231 properties have been listed for sale by 386 different agents.The asking price is £433,572 on average and properties take around 14 weeks to go under offer. Agents in Tower Hamlets typically charge around 1.6%, which equates to an average estate agency fee of £6,981.
Agents in this area will typically be able to sell your house in Mile End, Limehouse, Shadwell, Aldgate, Haggerston, Isle of Dogs, Spitalfields and Stepney. If you're looking for an estate agent in Poplar, Bromley-by-Bow, Tower Hill and other local areas, the majority of these agents will also be able to help you sell your house too.
Tower Hamlets not for you? You may also be interested in the nearby areas of Barking, Canning Town or East Ham.
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