This agent fees for letting are far more than the average with poor service in return! They told me my house has a tenant ready who’s willing to pay full price so that I take it off the market from a different agency - but then the tenant they had in mind backs out and they refuse to give me her deposit money. At the same time I lost a potential tenant from the other agency.
They try to cheat you on money. Every time they have tried to calculate what they owe me after the fee deduction has been wrong (this is at least 4 times) - lucky I don’t trust them so I check throughly every time.
They tell you they have found a tenant that wants a long term let like 3 years and the tenant wants to pay 6 months in advance, which they do for the first 6 months. After that the tenant says they can’t affird to pay 6 months advance instead they just want to pay 1 month in advance and will move out much earlier than expected. This has happened twice in a row. I think this is a trick, they must be telling tenants to do this so they can secure the property. They also make you feel tied in so for example if the tenant moves out earlier than expected and they usually take 1 year advance of fees, they make u feel like you need to re let through them which is in fact not true as you can’t be forced to do this and can report it to the property ombudsman. They have a lot of tactics like this to drain money out of you. The cleaning company they send over costs an extortionate amount and they never do a good job so don’t trust them!
The management team have never been proactive with getting rent or chasing rent. Sometimes they are late to pay me not through the fault of the tenant but through their own incompetencies and they refuse to pay me a late fee! The management team have made very awful mistakes such as doing a check in inventory for new tenants and after that arranging cleaners making the inventory useless - and no I didn’t get a refund for this. Their letting service is definitely poor and I do not recommend them unless you want to be rinsed out of money with an appalling experience! Please stay away from this company... Read more
29th Apr 2019 (5 years ago)