They over valued the house by £50k therefore they took longer to sell it. Once it was reduced to a better price it sold.
I didn't think the write up explained that the house needed modernisation I had to ask for it to be changed.
However when I threatened to take the house off the market and modernise it myself a new sales assistant took over the sale she was more proactive and found a buyer.... Read more
14th Sep 2023 (1 year ago)
Cubitt and West handled a very long winded executor’s sale through the Brexit uncertainty and the Covoid-19 lockdown restrictions. At all times they were professional, flexible in their approach and kept in communication with us. Special mention has to go to John, Marie and Paige at Crowborough whose enthusiasm and friendliness helped us through the lengthy delays outside of our control. Also to Trish, the progress chaser who took over after we accepted an offer, who was brilliant in keeping the solicitors on track and keeping everyone focused on the exchange and completion. Not the cheapest but they definitely earned their fee.... Read more
6th Nov 2020 (4 years ago)
Couldn’t have have a better service and helpful through the whole sale from beginning to completion Marie & Paige were amazing as was the branch manager Nicola and the very helpful secretary Sally... Read more
10th Aug 2019 (5 years ago)