3rd Oct 2024 (20 weeks ago)
Phillips & Stubbs just don't seem to have got the memo, the Covid bubble has well and truly burst in this area and properties are not worth what they were when Covid was around. Many people are moving back towards London these days.
Trouble is, this agent doesn't seem to have realised this as their prices just don't reflect the true worth of properties in their area. As such, almost without exception, their properties are vastly over priced.
My wife and I had considered buying in the area that this agent deals with but have subsequently bought elsewhere due to many agents in their area just not getting the message.
I have noticed other agents in this area of the country doing the same thing, I've also noticed that the vast percentage of properties in the area are also hanging around like a bad smell.
In a nutshell, over priced over valued. Avoid.
It would seem, judging by your somewhat surly response that I have rather touched a raw nerve! I wonder why!?..
You mention that the market dictates values and pricing however, I have seen MANY properties in your area that have been VASTLY over valued only to see the price reduced again and again. What is more, many of the properties that have been reduced are still sitting there gathering dust many months later.
As I mentioned, Covid sent prices rocketing in this area however MUCH has changed since then but most agents in this area (yourselves included) have failed to notice or reflect this.
Additionally, I fail to see how vendors are responsible for this "optimistic" pricing when most home owners have no idea what their homes are worth. What I suspect is happening is owner A is looking at owner B (who has probably been on the market at vastly inflated values for some time) and thinks, owner A's property is "valued" like 'this' so, so should mine.
The proof of the pudding, and all that, is that buyers should assess how long a property has been marketed for before they deciding whether they are over valued or not!... I think they may come to the same conclusion as me.
P.S. My wife and I actually bought a property in Surrey, so your assessment of, essentially saying, if you can't afford this area look elsewhere is frankly laughable. Oh, and, let's just say, we had a healthy budget. Please don't get delusions of grandeur, it's only Rye (a ridiculously, impossibly touristy area where at weekends you can hardly move for people), not Chelsea!... Read more