6th Feb 2025 (12 days ago)
Galaxy Real Estates are crooked as a dog’s hind legs! They took me for a ride! Their alleged cash buyer, to complete within 2-3 weeks, to purchase completed searches, financial status verified, relying on this information, I agreed to sell/accept £14,000 less the valuation due urgent need to relocate for a job offer.
Their buyer instead flew to Thailand, this remained confidential until buyer was returning. I was misled though buyer was absent, solicitor was appointed/legal work had started “piche piche bahot kuch ho reha”. My property documents allegedly for buyer’s solicitors, were passed on to buyer!!!
On buyer’s return, buyer wanted a structural survey. The surveyor with his might attempted to “pluck out” my toilet bowl, stepped on divider to get it wobbly. When questioned, he pointed at buyer’s ‘specific instructions’!!! The survey reported no issues, buyer allegedly proceeding, but never did.
Galaxy accused me as being rude for requesting updates, blocked my calls. 2 months on no memo of sale, I pulled out. Buyer offered £2,000 more, I requested another £2,000 (less £10,000 of valuation) as condition to complete was defeated + offered all items (under warranty) within the sale. Galaxy emailed ‘ready to exchange’ but no solicitors appointed? 3 months later Galaxy emailed buyer offered lower price or not proceeding due to insufficient funds/no affordability!!!
My numerous requests for buyers dismissed/set viewings cancelled. Galaxy alleged ‘no clarity that I intended to sell’ - call this highest level of stupidity, or being deliberately obtuse or attempted to sell my property cheaply for their ‘client ’ - I leave this to the readers. Galaxy’s prime interest was their only ‘client’, as if I was the next door agent’s client, and yet I was paying their fees!
Their toxic mentality to knowingly cause me damage and pain which I have endured is beyond belief. I would not recommend Galaxy as honesty is not part of their work ethic.... Read more